Chico Transgénero Sangra En Público Para Demostrar Que Los Hombres También Pueden Menstruar

Las campañas anti discriminación nos han ido educando cada vez más, y creo que ya estamos en el punto donde todos y todas sabemos que los hombres pueden tener vagina y las mujeres pueden tener pene, porque el sexo (biológico) no determina el género (cultural). Y cuando el género asignado al nacer, en base a los órganos sexuales con que nacen, no coincide con la identidad de género de la persona, estamos ante alguien trans.

Justamente en esa línea, es que Cass -un artista trans- ha decidido sangrar en público para demostrar que los hombres también pueden menstruar.

Este chico es un activista LGBT+ de Washington DC y es un hombre trans no binario, es decir, que conserva todos sus órganos femeninos. Justamente por ello es que puede menstruar.


En la foto inferior, podemos ver al joven sentado en la banca de un parque con unos pantalones claros, especiales para que se vea claramente el sangrado. Junto con ello, sostiene un cartel que dice “el período no es sólo para las mujeres”.

La imagen fue difundida por “Toni el Tampón”, sitio que busca concientizar sobre este tema.

Y’all know I’m trans and queer, And what that means for me all around, Is something that’s neither there nor here, It’s a happy, scary middle ground. So when I talk gender inclusion, And I wrote these rhymes to help you see, I’m not tryna bring up something shallow, Periods are honestly pretty traumatic for me. See my life is very clearly marked, Like a red border cut up a nation, A time before and a time beyond, The mark of my first menstruation. So let me take you back, To the details that I can still recall, Of the day I gained my first period, And the day that I lost it all. I was 15 and still happy, Running around, all chest bared and buck, Climbing trees, digging holes, And no one gave a single fuck. I mean I think my ma was worried, So I went and grew out my locks, A sign I was normal, still a girl, A painted neon sign for my gender box. So, the day I got my period, My god, a day so proud, This little andro fucked up kid, Had been bestowed the straight, cis shroud. The relief got all meshed up in my pain, In that moment, I sat down and cried, Just thanking god I was normal, While mourning the freedom that had died. Everyone told me my hips would grow, I looked at them and couldn't stop crying, "What's wrong with you? You'll be a woman!" They kept celebrating a child dying. See my body had betrayed me, That red dot, the wax seal, On a contract left there broken, A gender identity that wasn’t real. Most people deal with blood and tissue, And yet my body forces me to surrender, Cause every time I get my cycle, Is another day I shed my gender. My boobs betray me first, I feel them stretching out my binder, I send up questions, "am I cursed?" And wish to god that she was kinder. The five days it flows, I try to breathe, I dissociate, While my body rips outs parts of me, Leaving nothing but a shell of hate. The blood drips from an open wound, Of a war waging deep inside my corpse, The battle between mind and body, Immovable object; unstoppable force. #bleedingwhiletrans #menstruator #genderinclusion #mencanmenstruate #protectranskids #periodpride #genderdysphoria #menstruationmatters #ifmenhadperiods [PLEASE SHARE!🌈]

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La foto ha generado un intenso debate en Internet que, pese a que a veces se sale de madres y comienza a ser irrespetuoso y transfóbico, generalmente sirve para educar a quienes no entienden sobre el tema.


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